Release Process


For Developers Only!

This guide is provided for the benefit of the VOC team. As an end user, you shouldn’t ever need to use these instructions.

So, it’s time for a new VOC release! Here’s how to publish a new version so others can benefit from the changes that have been made recently.

  1. Update local checkout

    Make sure your developer checkout of VOC is up to date with a:

    $ git pull
  2. Confirm that the trunk currently builds for JDK and Android on each version of Python you’re planning to support:

    $ ant clean
    $ ant

    Fix any problems that are identified

  3. Make release related changes

  • Release history in docs/background/releases.rst
  • Build number in build.xml
  • Version number in voc/
  1. Push to Github to get confirmation of a clean CI build.

  2. When CI passes, merge.

  3. Update your checkout of the main beeware/voc repository

  4. Tag the release. There is a version tag for VOC, plus tags for each of the support libraries that will be released:

    $ git tag v0.1.2
    $ git tag 3.4-b3
    $ git tag 3.5-b3
    $ git tag 3.6-b3
    $ git push —tags
  5. Build the PyPI packages:

    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
  6. Upload the PyPI packages:

    $ twine upload dist/voc-0.1.2*
  7. Check that you have AWS credentials in a file named .env file in the root directory of your project checkout:


  8. Upload the support zipfile to S3:

    $ python tools/upload b3
  1. Check that Read The Docs has updated.